You know what? We really don't think Rhipsalis are getting the attention they deserve! The viney, weird and wonderful forms of the Rhipsalis are something every indoor jungle needs. They’re also a very fuss free housemate - what’s not to like?
How much light do Rhipsalis need?
Rhipsalis HATE direct sunlight. You’ll know she’s been tanning for too long when the edges of her stems start turning red and shrivelled. Bright indirect light is the ticket here, so hanging in a window that gets morning sun is perfect for these guys. Check out our visual guide for sunlight here.
Does Rhipsalis like humidity?
You betcha! Like Hoyas and Orchids, Rhipsalis like growing on the trunks of rainforest trees, so they thrive in humidity. Avoid air conditioning, heating and the cold if you can. Keeping them grouped with other plants or in a bathroom to keep humidity levels up.
What’s the best soil for Rhipsalis?
Well draining and chunky soil with lots of beneficial microbes is the ticket for your Rhipsalis. If only the best will do for your Rhipsalis, add in some perlite, horticultural charcoal and Support Pellets.
How often do I water my Rhipsalis?
If you have well draining soil, you should be watering your Rhipsalis around every 1-2 weeks in Summer and 2-3 weeks in Winter. If in doubt, wait until you notice the stems start to pucker slightly or lose their rigidity - the last thing you want to do is over water these guys!
When is the best time to repot a Rhipsalis?
You’ll only need to repot your Rhipsalis every few years and only ever a size up at a time. If you've just brought it home, it's best to wait a couple of weeks and repot with good soil, Support Pellets and Grow Concentrate.
What is the best fertiliser for Rhipsalis?
You’ll get much better results with regular use of a bioactive fertiliser like Grow concentrate rather than a chemical fertiliser. To make things easy, Rhipsalis’ watering needs mean you can use Grow with every drink!
Can you propagate Rhipsalis?
Absolutely! The easiest way is to just lay a stem across the soil and it will eventually shoot roots down. Once these roots have established in the soil, you can snip it off from the mother and you have a new plant! Another method is to take a cutting and leave it to callous. After a few days, dip the cut end in water and crushed Support Pellets and then stick it in some soil.
Some other helpful hints:
- All varieties of Rhipsalis are completely pet safe.
- Rhipsalis aren’t a target for most pests, but they can get mealy bugs.
- Keep you Rhipsalis’ strong by spraying with Protect fortnightly.
So there you have it.. time to go grow some curtains of Rhipsalis!