Australian made. Certified and Organic. Scientifically tested.
Why we're better than the rest
Standard fertiliser

14% organic ingredients

Made with sulphuric acid & machines

0 active microbes

Our products

100% organic ingredients

Made by worms

200+ active microbes

Certified for organic production

Kickstart your plants' natural function
Plants weren’t made to live in pots – and that's often why they get a bit down on us. To make it worse, we tend to use products that actually hinder our plants and harm the environment. Plastic-coated fertiliser granules. Synthetic, ammonia based plant food. Petrol-based pesticides. Not anymore! Our formulas are squeaky clean and designed to get plants humming on their own. It’s simple; by replicating mother nature, we’re working with the natural instinct of our plants, not against them.
Download our lab reports to see exactly why we beat the competition

Scientifically tested
From home trials, to lab based experiments, we’ve donned the white coat and worked with some of the brightest biochemists to build products that work better for your plants, and the environment. Follow us on Instagram to hear about our latest trials, tests and results!
"I call these the wonder products. My plants loveeee them!"
Charlie Lees