Do you like colourful flowers and fancy foliage? How about structural leaves and peculiar petals? Haaaave you met Bromeliad?
Broms are a staple of modern outdoor landscaping, but did you know they can just as easily be grown indoors? These hardy beauties are pretty low maintenance once you know a thing or two about them!
How do I pot a Bromeliad? 🪴
In nature, it's pretty common to find Bromeliads growing in the forks or hollows of trees, so you can imagine their roots are pretty compact! They also don't much appreciate a dense soil because of this. A shallow pot with great drainage and a bark-heavy potting medium is your best bet here - and adding some Support Pellets will ensure your Brom feels right at home!
How much light does a Bromeliad need? ☀️
Bromeliads HATE direct sunlight, so definitely keep it away from any windows that get harsh afternoon sun! Remember that they're used to growing under the dappled light of a canopy, so bright filtered or indirect light for a good chunk of the day is what she'll need to thrive.
How often should I water a Bromeliad? 💧
Despite being a native to tropical climates, Bromeliads are pretty drought tolerant. They're definitely not tolerant to overwatering though, so less is always more with these guys! You can water directly into the well of the plant, but to avoid stagnation, we just water the soil. Give her a drink when the top few inches of soil are dry - usually about once a week in Summer - and halve the frequency in Winter!
How do I get my Bromeliad to flower? 🌷
The right light and feeding are the ingredients needed for a blooming Brom! Bromeliads are notoriously sensitive to traditional, synthetic fertilisers, so you’ll want to stay well away. Apart from damaging the roots and causing salt build ups in the soil, chemical fertilisers also wash out the colouring and patterns of these beauties.. and we can’t have that! The best option is to work with your plant’s natural processes by feeding with a bioactive fertiliser like our Grow Concentrate. The beneficial microbes will help your Brom take in only the nutrients it needs, so it’s never overwhelmed. Use Grow with every water and provide lots of bright, indirect light and you should see some of those bright flowers start poking through!
Can you propagate Bromeliads? 🌱
One of our favourite things about Bromeliads is being able to see their cycle of life. Once it’s finished blooming, the mother plant will begin to die off - you won’t be in mourning long though, because she’ll send out a few little pups to carry on her legacy. You can leave these to grow together, or divide them and dot more Broms around your abode! As always, Support Pellets will help the young plants establish in their new homes if you do choose to pot them up.
Some other helpful hints: 💡
- Bromeliads aren’t too fussy when it comes to humidity and temperature, being quite tolerant to most indoor settings. In saying that, they’ll appreciate a warmer spot with higher humidity.
- Be conscious of using pots that are too large. Because of their shallow roots, planting too deep in a pot can cause root rot, whilst planting too shallowly will hinder the plant’s ability to absorb moisture and nutrients.
- If you’re having trouble with flowering, place the Brom in a sealed bag or container with an overripe apple for 7-10 days. The ethylene gas released from the apple can often trigger flowering!
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