3 Common Houseplant Problems In October

3 Common Houseplant Problems In October

Yeah, we're getting some cloudy days, but overall, spring has finally sprung and the odds are that your houseplants are growing at full tilt! If you need to know the top issues to look out for when it comes to your houseplants in October, read on! These 3 common issues 

Your Houseplants Are Outpacing Their Pot Size

As your plants start to grow, you might notice that the soil will struggle to absorb water and the roots will be sticking out the bottom of the pot. Read our guide on how to know if your plants need to be repotted here. These are telltale sign that you plants have been growing SO WELL, that they need a new home! 

How to repot plants:

New Houseplant Growth Is Vulnerable For Attack

Did you know that fresh, tender growth is the most likely part of your plant to be attacked by pests and suffer environmental damage? It's because it hasn't built strong cell walls or waxy coatings. Watch for the drafts from open windows, rapidly changing temperatures, and direct sunlight. It can harm delicate new leaves, causing them to curl or brown.

How to protect new houseplant growth:

  • Watch airconditioners and heater: move your plants away from cold air or windows that may cause hectic draughts. 
  • Make sure your plants are getting indirect light: sheer curtains are a great way to protect new growth from harsh direct light. 

Increased Humidity Brings Fungal Issues 

You might notice the humidity increase at this time of year. It's prime time for things like powdery mildew or leaf spot. This is common in both outdoor plants and houseplants, so be careful! 

How to prevent fungal disease in spring:

  • Bottom Water Your houseplants: Wetting the leaves can be a sure fire way to increase the chance of fungus. Instead, read our guide to bottom watering.
  • Increase Airflowcheck out our guide about the importance of air flow in houseplants. It talks about why oxygen is important for leaves - particularly when it comes to fungus!
  • Remove Leaves With Fungus: make sure you're not afraid to clip leaves that are showing signs of fungal infection to stop the spread!
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