Why grow Devil’s Ivy at home?
First up, this fast-growing flora, in all its glossy green, cascading glory, is almost impossible to kill (ALMOST). It stays green even when kept in low light, so if you’re a newbie to the plant world, this is your new foliage BFF. It’s so easy to grow (it will climb or trail depending on where it's placed) and requires very little maintenance. Just follow this simple checklist and you’ll be on the road to plant parent success.
Where does Devil’s Ivy come from?
This tropical crawler is originally native to Moore Island, a volcanic island in French Polynesia. Today, you’ll find it growing in tropical and sub-tropical forests all over the world, including South East Asia, Indonesia, Solomon Islands, and Northern Australia. In its natural habitat (it loves warmth and humidity) it can grow up to an impressive 20 metres long, but indoors, it generally reaches around 2 meters.
Where should I position my Devil’s Ivy?
Although it’s a hardy plant that can withstand low-light conditions, the best lighting for Devil’s Ivy is indirect, medium light. While the plant is fine in low light, it slows down its growth. Place it a few feet away from a window that gets some direct sunlight throughout the day to keep it nice and lush.

How often should I water?
This is a drought tolerant plant so make sure the soil isn't moist when you water. Water once a week or when the soil is dry, adding Grow Concentrate every time.
The leaves will also tell you if it’s in need of a hydration hit — if they look limp and wilted, this can be a sign of both under-watering and over-watering. Again, check the soil for dampness or dryness to be sure.
When and how should I fertilise my Devil’s Ivy?
All three We the Wild products are perfect for Devil's Ivy, all throughout the year. Add Support Pellets once every 6 weeks. Just dig it gently into the top soil. You can add a dash of Grow every time you water (remember, you can't overdose or burn your Devil's Ivy) and Protect Spray should be used once a fortnight.
What’s the best pot for a Devil’s Ivy?
Devil’s Ivy is so versatile, you can use almost any type of pot to grow, providing it has at least one drainage hole in the bottom to allow excess moisture to drain freely and avoid becoming waterlogged. We even have a bunch growing in old tins!
Only move your Devil’s Ivy to a larger pot if the roots begin blocking the drainage holes, or if the plant starts to lift from the soil (use your finger to check). Make sure you frequently add Support Pellets to the soil to keep a steady flow of nutrients and beneficial bacteria.

How do I know if the leaves are healthy?
If you notice bright white spots on the leaves, it’s getting too much sunlight, so move into a darker spot where it gets medium, indirect light instead. If the leaves are turning yellow and falling off, you’re likely over-watering. If the leaves turn brown, it could be a sign that your room is too dry. Use something like Protect Spray to help manage leaf issue and health.
What’s the best soil for Devil’s Ivy?
As far as soil goes, a standard houseplant potting mix is perfect. It needs to hold on to enough water to remain moist in between watering (Devil’s Ivy doesn’t like super dry soil), so adding a dose of Support Pellets to any soil mix is a good idea. A slightly better draining mix like a cacti mix, or orchid mix will make sure that your Devil’s Ivy doesn’t get too wet.
Is Devil's Ivy safe around pets?
The Devil’s Ivy plant is poisonous, so if you have toddlers or mischievous pets, you’ll want to keep it well out of reach, or consider a new home.
Read our advice on pet-friendly plants https://wethewild.co/blogs/plant-advice/pet-friendly-plants-what-s-safe-for-your-fur-baby

What about humidity?
As rainforest plants, these little loves crave humidity! Keep them away from heaters or air conditioners which can dry the air out (Protect Spray can help reduce stress here). Up the humidity around them by giving them an occasional mist with water, or follow these tips.
Can I propagate a Devil’s Ivy?
This plant is truly the gift that keeps on giving. You can propagate cuttings easily in water. Once your Ivy has a long enough stem, take a cutting and place it in a glass of water, making sure that the cutting has a few nodes along it (the little bumps that form along the stem). Add a tbsp of Support Pellets, and leave it in the water until you notice that the nodes have developed into roots, then you’re ready to plant into a pot.