Woman watering plants next to bright window

Bright Indirect Light: The Happy Place for Houseplants

Lighting is the sunshine to a plant's success story, but too much or too little can land you in a leafy nightmare. Ever come across terms like "bright indirect light" while browsing for your next green buddy? These light indicators are the key to understanding your plant's natural habitat and its ideal living conditions.

Welcome to part two in our four-part series on lighting for houseplants. Catch up on Part One: Direct Lighting here!

houseplant lighting guide graphic

What Is Bright Indirect Light?

Most  houseplants hail from rainforests, chilling under the shade of towering trees. But that doesn't mean there aren't sun-worshipping plants out there! Bright indirect light is like filtered sunshine – it's vibrant but gentle, perfect for those who aren't fans of direct sun exposure.

Finding the Perfect Spot with Bright Indirect Light

In Australia, bright indirect light comes from north or east-facing windows, but not right on the window sill. Think a metre or two away, where the sunlight comes in but gets diffused.

Plants That Flourish in Bright Indirect Light

  • Calathea: These beauties come in stunning patterned leaves and love a bright spot without the harsh sun.
  • Monstera Deliciosa (Swiss Cheese Plant): A popular choice with its distinctive split leaves. Thrives in bright indirect light.
  • Fiddle Leaf Fig: Makes a real statement with its large, glossy leaves. Prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate some morning sun.
  • Philodendron: This versatile genus has many varieties that do well in bright indirect light.
  • Peace Lily: Known for its air-purifying qualities and beautiful white flowers. Prefers bright indirect light but tolerates lower light conditions too.

4 Tips for Bright Indirect Light Plant Care

  1. Light Check: Not all rooms are created equal. Keep an eye on how much light your plant gets throughout the day.
  2. Sunburnt Leaves? This might be a sign of too much direct sun. Move your plant further away from the window.
  3. Rotate for Even Growth: Just like us, plants don't like to be suned on one side only. Give your plant a quarter turn every time you water it.
  4. Watering Wisely: Plants in bright indirect light might need more frequent watering than shade lovers, but don't drown them! Always check the soil moisture before watering.

By understanding bright indirect light and these simple tips, you'll be well on your way to becoming a houseplant pro! 

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