Not only are the little bugs that fly out of the soil of your pot damn annoying, but the larvae can eat the roots of your houseplant…not cool! Fungus gnats most often spread through store-bought soil, so our first tip is to inspect any new soil that you’re introducing to your home.
Here’s 3 other ways to stop Fungus Gnats in their tracks! We recommend combining these strategies to maximise results!

Cut down on the watering!
The larvae love warm, damp environments so your overwatered soil is like a mini gnat paradise! Make sure that you completely dry out your soil so that the eggs and larvae die. If needed, you can soak your plant in a shallow bath of water to give it a drink.
Consider popular treatments
While Neem Oil is not able to be marketed as a pesticide in Australia, many customers tell us that they spray the soil with Protect Spray as a part of their care regime. Here’s what they do:
Instructions: after drying your soil, spray the top well. You should try and soak the top 2-5cm of soil. Repeat every 4-5 days, and fortnightly as a preventative.
Cover the drainage holes
Did you know that Fungus Gnats can infiltrate your plant through the drainage holes of the pot? If the infestation just isn’t budging, consider covering the holes with gauze, that allows free drainage while stopping any unwanted visitors laying their eggs.
Repot your plant
Sometimes, the infestation is so deep within the soil that the only solution is to repot. Buy a quality, well draining potting mix and mix through Support Pellets. Remember to inspect for flying gnats first! Just remove the plant from its pot and use your fingers or a small brush to gently remove as much soil as possible from around its roots.
Use Traps (but not ugly ones!)
For fast removal check out our discreet Compostable Gnat Traps. They're designed to stick to the inside of you pot so you don't have to use large ugly traps that destroy the aesthetics of you indoor garden.