Who else is feeling a bit of spring in the air? If you ask us, and fellow houseplant people, this is THE season. Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing and we're gearing up for summer! October is also a pretty critical time for caring for those plant babes. Get a few things right, and your plants are going to be set for success as we move into the warmer summer months. You've probably got the fertiliser and sun requirements conquered by now, but there's a few unappreciated but super important tasks that will give your houseplants a new lease on life. Here's the 3 critical tasks that you can do for your houseplants this month.
Give your climbing plants the support they need by adding (or extending) a moss pole!

Monstera, philodendron, ivy, hoya... whatever plant that has long tenticle like stems are going to absolutely love a moss pole! The jungle dwellers are used to climbing up the trunks of trees towards the light. Adding a moss pole can mimic that behaviour, and get them growing as large and lush as possible. Did you know that adding a moss pole can stimulate root growth, strengthen the root system AND allow your plant to grow larger leaves? Plus, they look pretty awesome too. Keep your moss pole moist with diluted Grow Concentrate, and it will make your plant go BANANAS!
Look out for spent flowers from September, and snip them off!
For us in Sydney, spring started pretty early, as so we already have a whole lot of flowers that are past their prime. The good thing is that we can still get more! So, we're spending some time in October to snip off any flowers that have wilted. Why? Doing this directs the energy of the plant. It allows it to create more flowers and leaves during this key growing season. Plants like begonias and peace lillies are good candidates for the snip!
While you're at it, prune any stingy looking stems or less-than-perfect leaves. This will help your plant invest in new growth. Who doesn't love an October spring clean?!
Repot plants that need a new home

Repotting your plants in october is a perfect idea! We usually repot plants that haven't had a new home in over a year. It means that there is still a good couple of months of spring weather to allow your houseplant to expand its root system and settle into its new home before the crazy heat of summer starts taking hold. Make sure you add a good dose of Support pellets to the soil to reduce stress and increase root growth.
Why should I care for my houseplants in October?
September is all about the basics of plant care; snipping leaves, changing soil and repositioning your plants. October is a great time to really dig into those tasks that go beyond the basics. Things like adding a moss pole can be a fun weekend task, but also a more advanced way to give your plants a new lease on life during the growing season.